Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns

Burns Banter - Ep.17 Robert Burns - To A Louse

Alastair R Turnbull Season 1 Episode 17

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To a Louse is a poem written by Robert Burns in 1786. It is set in the church at Mauchline during a Sunday Service. At first glance the poem is about a head lice, but, it is in fact about perception and the social classes.

Robert is Sitting in Church and sees a head lice on a very prim and proper lady. He can't believe the impudence of the head lice and says it should have chosen someone else to be upon. Someone like a tramp or a ragged boy. However he goes on to say that according to the head lice we are all the same.

At the end of the poem Robert says that it would be a great gift if we could see ourselves as other people see us, it would from many blunders free us, and foolish  notions.

Very true...

Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns

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