Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns
Did you know that Robert Burns was the first person to feature on a Coca Cola bottle? Or that a book of his poems has orbited the earth 217 times? And he NEVER signed his name as Rabbie? This is a modern and light hearted look at the life and works of Robert Burns; poems explained; myths busted; songs sung and stories told. Listen, laugh, and maybe even learn something new with Alastair Turnbull and guests.
32 episodes
Burns Banter S2 Ep11 - Dumfries
In this episode Robert leaves Ellisland farm and moves to Dumfries. We look at his work as an excise officer and a famous incident involving Robert attacking a smugglers Schooner on the Solway Firth. I also look at Roberts visit to Edinburgh to...
Season 2
Episode 11

Burns Banter S2 Ep10 - The Ellisland Years
In this episode Robert has moved from Edinburgh To Ellisland Farm, which is by the banks of the river Nith, about 6 and a half miles north of Dumfries. He has become a farmer again, as well as an Excise Officer.How does he do this? it i...
Season 2
Episode 10

Burns Banter S2 Ep9 - Big Decisions
What does Robert Do after the the fame of being a great Poet in Edinburgh and touring around Scotland?He has to make some big decisions about his future. In this episode of Burns Banter I look at five things that influence his decisions...
Season 2
Episode 9

Burns Banter S2 Ep8 - Touring around Scotland
It is 1787, Robert Burns has published the second edition of his poems, now known as 'The Edinburgh Edition'. He has sold the rights to all of his poems to William Creech and he needs to write some more....What does he do?He goe...
Season 2
Episode 8

Burns Banter S2 Ep7 - The Edinburgh Edition
In this episode I talk about Robert Burns journey to Edinburgh to produce a second volume of his book 'Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect'. I also talk about the reception he received when he arrived in Edinburgh, how he published the book, ...
Season 2
Episode 7

Burns Banter S2 Ep6 - Burns Banter Live ! 16th - 25th Aug 2024 Edinburgh Fringe Festival
In this Episode I talk about my up coming shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Yes, I'm taking Burns Banter to Edinburgh and will be performing upstairs in The Pear Tree. The venue is called The Counting House and the room is called The Atti...
Season 2
Episode 6

Burns Banter S2 Ep5 - Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect - The Kilmarnock Edition
In this episode we look at how, why and when Robert published his book, Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. We look at the problems he had to overcome before John Wilson agreed to publish the book. We look at the poems and songs in the...
Season 2
Episode 5

Burns Banter S2 Ep4 - Mossgiel, Women and a Book
In this episode we look briefly at Robert's father, William - Then a Farm called Mossgiel - Roberts turbulent private life and a book called 'Poem Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect'. This is a wild and unpredictable time in Roberts life, (roughly...
Season 2
Episode 4

Burns Banter S2 Ep3 - Lochlea, Tarbolton & Irvine
In this episode we see the Burns family move to a new farm, Lochlie. Is it better than Mount Oliphant? How well / badly do they do there? At this point in Roberts life he is in his late teens and is starting to try and move away from farm...
Season 2
Episode 3

Burns Banter S2 Ep2 - Mount Oliphant & Roberts first poems
In this episode we look at Robert life from age 7. We look at his education, the schools and tutors he had. We look at the farm that Roberts Father moved the family to, (Mount Oliphant), and whether it was a good decision. We also look at Rober...
Season 2
Episode 2

Burns Banter S2 Ep1 - Robert Burns birth & early life
In Series two of Burns Banter I am taking a look at the life of Robert Burns. Each episode will look at one part of Robert's Life - as this is episode one, I am looking at the Birth Of Robert Burns. I also take a look at William Burnes, (Robert...
Season 2
Episode 1

Burns Banter - Ep. 21 - Robert Burns 'The Rights of Women'
The Rights of Women was written by Robert Burns in 1792.Back in the days of Burns women didn't have many rights. The subject of women's rights was highly unpopular and very rarely talked about. Robert is being a bit of a rebel writing t...
Season 1
Episode 21

Burns Banter Ep. 20 Robert Burns - Address to the Toothache
Address to the Toothache, written in 1786.In the late 1700's dentistry didn't really exist. If you got the toothache you had to just deal with the pain, there was no pain relief. If things got really bad you would have to find someone w...
Season 1
Episode 20

Burns Banter - Ep. 19 A Robert Burns Quiz in Sweden
This week I am working in Stockholm.I managed to get two English colleagues, Jim and Ru, to take part in a Burns quiz. The quiz is made up of two rounds of 10 questions, with the second 10 having a very Swedish twist. This was filmed in...
Season 1
Episode 19

Burns Banter - Ep.18 Robert Burns 'My love is like a red red rose'
My love is like a red red rose is a beautiful love song written by Robert Burns around 1792. Robert said that it was an old Scots song that he had collected in the country. I believe it may well have been old, but Robert must have ...
Season 1
Episode 18

Burns Banter - Ep.17 Robert Burns - To A Louse
To a Louse is a poem written by Robert Burns in 1786. It is set in the church at Mauchline during a Sunday Service. At first glance the poem is about a head lice, but, it is in fact about perception and the social classes.Robert is Sitt...
Season 1
Episode 17

Burns Banter - Ep. 16 Holy Willie's Prayer
Holy Willie's Prayer is a fabulous satirical poem. It's one of the best satirical poems ever written in the Scots tongue. It is all about the hypocrisy of the Church, and one person in particular. Willie Fisher was an elder of the ...
Season 1
Episode 16

Burns Banter - Ep. 15 What is a Burns Supper ?
What is a Burns Supper? I look at the classic Scottish Celebration, The Burns Supper. I ask what is is all about?, when did it start? and why should I go to one? For the answers to these questions listen to this episode!<...
Season 1
Episode 15

Burns Banter Ep.14 - Robert Burns Music with guests 'Garbh Uisge'
In this episode of Burns Banter we play some of Robert Burns songs and tunes. I have guests! on this weeks show we have the band 'Garbh Uisge'. We chat about songs such as 'A Fond Kiss', 'Auld Lang Syne' and 'Green Grow the Rashes'...
Season 1
Episode 14

Burns Banter Ep. 13 Robert Burns 'Willie Wastle'
Willie Wastle, also known as 'Sic a wife Willie had' as a grotesquely funny poem / song about how unbelievably ugly Willie's wife is. Robert Burns wrote this poem in 1792 and he goes into comically hideous detail about this poor woman's appeara...
Season 1
Episode 13

Burns Banter - Ep. 12 Robert Burns - Auld Lang Syne
Auld Lang Syne is Robert Burns most famous song, and the second most sung song in the English language. Yet, most people have no idea what it means, or where it came from.In this episode I tell you where the lyrics for Auld Lang Syne ca...
Season 1
Episode 12

Burns Banter - Ep. 11. A tour around Burns sites in Ayrshire
WARNING!!!! This episode is better watched as a video.https://youtu.be/i9RZ_t_JWQU?si=ksa_zMSxzDf44bu3In this episode I go on a whistle stop tour of Robert Burns sit...
Season 1
Episode 11

Burns Banter - Ep. 10 A tour around Burns sites in Dumfries
WARNING !!! - This Episode is probably better watched as a video. https://youtu.be/tXES21N-T9w?si=Lb5yL70GKXPYteFmIn this episode I travel to Dumfries and go on a whistl...
Season 1
Episode 10

Burns Banter - Ep.9 Robert Burns "The Selkirk Grace'
The Selkirk Grace is a well known and well used grace. It is used not only at Burns Suppers but at family gatherings, weddings, funerals, birthdays, etc...What is the Selkirk Grace? did Robert Burns write it? Listen to this episode to f...
Season 1
Episode 9

Burns Banter - Ep. 8 Robert Burns 'Willie Brew'd a Peck O' Maut'
'Willie Brew'd a Peck O' Maut' is one of Robert Burns best drinking songs.It was written by Robert Burns in August / September 1789 whilst staying with Willie Nicol at his lodgings just outside Moffat. Allan Masterton was also there and...
Season 1
Episode 8