Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns

Burns Banter S2 Ep1 - Robert Burns birth & early life

Alastair R Turnbull Season 2 Episode 1

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In Series two of Burns Banter I am taking a look at the life of Robert Burns. Each episode will look at one part of Robert's Life - as this is episode one, I am looking at the Birth Of Robert Burns. I also take a look at William Burnes, (Robert's Father), and Agnes Broun, (Robert's Mother). where did they come from, what were they like, what influence did they have on Robert?  I look briefly at what was happening in Scotland at the time - all of these aspects helped to make Robert into the man we know today. Unfortunately there are no songs or poems in this episode. This is due to the fact that the episode finishes when Robert is only seven years old, he hasn't written anything yet. Check out episode two for Robert's first poem....

Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns

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