Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns
Did you know that Robert Burns was the first person to feature on a Coca Cola bottle? Or that a book of his poems has orbited the earth 217 times? And he NEVER signed his name as Rabbie? This is a modern and light hearted look at the life and works of Robert Burns; poems explained; myths busted; songs sung and stories told. Listen, laugh, and maybe even learn something new with Alastair Turnbull and guests.
Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns
Burns Banter S2 Ep5 - Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect - The Kilmarnock Edition
In this episode we look at how, why and when Robert published his book, Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. We look at the problems he had to overcome before John Wilson agreed to publish the book. We look at the poems and songs in the book, such as, Twa Dogs, A Tale - The Cotters Saturday Night, To a mouse and Composed in August. We see how the public reaction to the book affected him and the direction his life was taking. Specifically we look at his decision not to go to Jamacia and the reasons why he stayed in Scotland. We end the episode by reciting the poem Composed in August, also known as Now Westlin Winds and Slaughtering Guns.
Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns