Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns
Did you know that Robert Burns was the first person to feature on a Coca Cola bottle? Or that a book of his poems has orbited the earth 217 times? And he NEVER signed his name as Rabbie? This is a modern and light hearted look at the life and works of Robert Burns; poems explained; myths busted; songs sung and stories told. Listen, laugh, and maybe even learn something new with Alastair Turnbull and guests.
Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns
Burns Banter - Ep. 19 A Robert Burns Quiz in Sweden
This week I am working in Stockholm.
I managed to get two English colleagues, Jim and Ru, to take part in a Burns quiz. The quiz is made up of two rounds of 10 questions, with the second 10 having a very Swedish twist. This was filmed in the Quality Hotel Globe in Stockholm after an afternoon spent wandering around the old town and having a few beers.
I hope you enjoy it, join in, and get a better score than Jim and Ru.
Burns Banter - A fresh look at Robert Burns